Locky Morris' works move fluidly between the personal, public and political and are informed by the complexities and intricacies of his immediate landscape.
Locky Morris was born in Derry City where he continues to live and work. During the 80s and 90s Morris became known for producing work that referred and reacted explicitly to the Northern Irish conflict. Some early pieces were shown in the British Art Show touring Britain (1990) and New North (1990) and Strongholds (1991) at the Tate Gallery, Liverpool, while also being exhibited in his local neighbourhood, in places like disused bookmakers, community centres and vacant premises. Recent solo presentations at institutions and galleries have included the RCC in Donegal, Ireland, F.E. Mc William Gallery, Northern Ireland, Mannheimer Kunstverein, Germany and Mothers Tankstation, Dublin. He has collaborated recently with artist Jaki Irvine to show at The Complex Gallery, Dublin and subsequently Void Gallery, Derry, and continues to exhibit widely with group exhibitions at the Thames-Side Studios Gallery, London, Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, Eva International, IMMA, Dublin, Mario Mauroner, Vienna and The National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin.
Floaters, Locky Morris, Photo print on aluminium Dibond, 2021.
Above left: Re_sett_ing_s, Locky Morris, installation view at The Void, Derry, 2022.
Last chance for a dark wash, Locky Morris, installation view at Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland, 2023.
Last chance for a dark wash, Locky Morris, installation view at Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland, 2023.
His visually rich, inventive and playful videos, soundworks, photographs and gallery installations incorporate found sculptural assemblages that represent his fascination for the often chaotic details of the everyday.
Last chance for a dark wash, Locky Morris, installation view at Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland, 2023.