Soft Fiction Projects is dedicated to producing digital and printed matter on film and artist moving image culture. The printed project acts as a forum for presenting new collaborations, artworks, research and writing from invited artists and contributors.
Soft Fiction Projects is a Northern-Irish-based artist-run initiative with a focus on printed and digital matter, founded in 2018 by artists Alessia Cargnelli and Emily McFarland. Selected recent projects includes: Usually or Infrequently Indecent or Obscene, as part of ‘The Law is A White Dog’ curated by Sarah Browne, Tulca Visual Arts Festival, Galway 2020; MAKING SPACE, Residency, Public Programme and Exhibition, Guest Projects, London 2019; SHOP, residency and publication launch, PS2, Belfast 2019; URGENCIES, group show and public programme curated by Catherine Hemelryk, CCA Derry~Londonderry 2019; DORIS at Printing Plant, Publication launch and performative event, Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam (NL) 2018.
Above: We have our own flowers. Do it Yourself, 2021, Soft Fiction Projects, Risograph Print on Favini Alga Carta.
Top left: USUALLY OR INFREQUENTLY INDECENT OR OBSCENE , Leporello, Soft Fiction Projects, Limited edition publication, hand-folded in accordion-pleat style, produced for TULCA Festival of Visual Arts, Galway, 2020.
USUALLY OR INFREQUENTLY INDECENT OR OBSCENE , Leporello, Soft Fiction Projects, Limited edition publication, hand-folded in accordion-pleat style, produced for TULCA Festival of Visual Arts, Galway, 2020.
Research Image for USUALLY OR INFREQUENTLY INDECENT OR OBSCENE, Soft Fiction Projects, TULCA Festival of Visual Arts, Galway, 2020.
Revisiting recent history in moving image practices, Soft Fiction Projects research focus is an exploration of underrepresented voices, oppositional histories, geopolitical narratives underpinned by intersectional feminist perspectives which challenge and reframe dominant hegemonic power structures.
It didn’t belong to any of us and it belonged to all of us, 2021, Soft Fiction Projects, Risograph Print on Parchment Paper Silver.
Destruction of Pleasure is a Radical Weapon, Soft Ficiton Porjects Workshop, University of Ulster Belfast, 2019.
Doris Launch, S H O P , Soft Fiction Projects Publication Launch, PS² Short Residencies Programme, 2019.